Kiwanis Foundation of Jackson Michigan

The Kiwanis Foundation of Jackson exists to meet the needs of area children, and our community. The goals of the Foundation are to preserve and grow the fund’s investments (the endowment) and use the interest on those investments to support children and the Jackson community.

The needs of our community’s children will never go away; neither will this Foundation. A gift to the Kiwanis Foundation of Jackson- regardless of the size- will pay dividends in your lifetime and beyond.

We pledge to invest the resources entrusted to us prudently, choose wisely the programs and projects worthy of the Foundation’s support, and report with transparency and honesty.

Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to the Kiwanis Foundation of Jackson today. You can use the online form below and pay by credit card or mail a payment to Kiwanis Foundation of Jackson PO BOX 1426 Jackson MI, 49204.

Donation Form
