Become a Kiwanis Member

Have you been looking to do some volunteering for good causes in your community? Do you like helping kids, having fun and feeling like you made a difference? Why not consider joining us and become a member of our Kiwanis club?

Membership Process
Perspective members fill out the Membership Application and are sponsored by a current member. The Board of Directors must approve each new member. Then, the new member is inducted at a ceremony during a Friday club meeting. S/he receives a Kiwanis lapel pin, a certificate of membership, a club directory and other materials about Kiwanis.

At that point, the new member is encouraged to get involved. Join a committee, volunteer, get to know other Kiwanians.

All members receive the weekly Kiwanis e-blast, monthly Kiwanis newsletter, as well as magazines from the Michigan District and Kiwanis International.

Member Expectations

Hanging Garlands at Kiwanis Park

Time Commitment
Kiwanis club members are asked to attend as many Friday club meetings as possible, as well as board meetings at their convenience. They are also asked to volunteer. Kiwanians, on average, invest about six hours a month. There are no attendance requirements, but active participation is encouraged.

Financial Commitment
Membership dues: $160 annually, or pro-rated to the month of joining (the Kiwanis calendar year goes from October 1-September 30). Two people from the same family (i.e. husband and wife) can join for $295 annually.

The Friday club meeting: $15 if eating lunch; $3 if not eating lunch.

Salvation Army Bell Ringing

Send us a message

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.
