Attention Kiwanis Members
Please mark the date of MARCH 24 for a change of location for our Friday Meeting! The club will be meeting in the Grand Room at Vista Grand Villa at the usual time, noon! We will enjoy a nice lunch prepared by their food catering service!! Price will be the same $14.00 and some of the residents are Kiwanis members and will be attending!!
Our speaker will be Joe Thorrez of Thorrez Industries, a family owned business since
There will be ample parking! Please use Doney Dr off of Springport Rd to the driveway sign that says Grand Room (turn left) to the parking lot!!!
Please plan on joining us!!!
See you there!!!
Mary Lou McFadden
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Last Updated: April 2, 2023 by choward
March 24 – Lunch Location Change
Attention Kiwanis Members
Please mark the date of MARCH 24 for a change of location for our Friday Meeting! The club will be meeting in the Grand Room at Vista Grand Villa at the usual time, noon! We will enjoy a nice lunch prepared by their food catering service!! Price will be the same $14.00 and some of the residents are Kiwanis members and will be attending!!
Our speaker will be Joe Thorrez of Thorrez Industries, a family owned business since
There will be ample parking! Please use Doney Dr off of Springport Rd to the driveway sign that says Grand Room (turn left) to the parking lot!!!
Please plan on joining us!!!
See you there!!!
Mary Lou McFadden
Category: March 2023, Newsletter, Uncategorized
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